The Many Faces of Languages
January 2023
As each language is unique, every interpreter behind that language, equally, has a unique story to share. Welcome to The Many Faces of Languages - a forum of thoughtful sharing and discovery.
We are pleased to offer this story selected for January 2023.

Story Introduction
Diana's Story
How I managed to obtain and excel at my dream job.
In Colombia, I studied at the University and graduated in Languages. I learned English, French, and Italian, and took the Executive Administrative Assistant program at the college. I also had the opportunity to work for two big companies back in Colombia.
However, when I arrived to Canada, I realized that my English was not as strong as I thought it was, and I had to study it all over again. I felt disappointed and frustrated in that moment, but that did not discourage me. I kept an open mind and a positive attitude!
I took the English as a Second Language (ESL) program. I also obtained my Ontario Secondary School Diploma. I graduated from Sheridan College in Ontario, where I completed the French Proficiency Certificate program. It took me two years to complete this program, and I wanted to continue studying, because I love to study!
I wanted to work for the Spanish-speaking community and I said to myself, “What can I do?” Then I had this brilliant idea of taking the Interpretation and Translation program, which I did!
I always tried to keep in mind that doing what I love to do and having a passion for my job and my career is very important to my happiness and success. This led me to my current job. I have worked as a Spanish interpreter for more than 12 years. I love my job very much!
I feel very honored and privileged to be able to help the Spanish-speaking community to communicate. There is no second language in Colombia, only Spanish. So, when we arrive in Canada, it is very difficult for Spanish-speaking people. They need to access critical services and community resources to successfully integrate into the culture and the Canadian society.
It is very rewarding, as an interpreter, to be able to help them communicate and access those services that they need so much. I also do volunteer translations for another agency, which is also rewarding for me, as I am able to give back to the community, be of service to society, and meet fantastic people in the process.
I believe that life is always changing. We are always evolving and we are always learning, and that is fine! But for now, I feel very satisfied where I am. I am very proud of myself and very happy with my personal and professional life and all my accomplishments here in Canada. I feel that I am good enough and perfect the way I am today!
- Diana A